About Us
FAER, since the beginning of its activity has produced over 300,000 machines distributed in 44 countries on four continents.
This has been possible thanks to the wide range of models and their ability to meet the most diverse technological and market requirements.
Today FAER carries out its activities in the new, ultra-modern plant in Via di Valleranello.
In the latter, the most technologically advanced machinery in Europe for the production of elevator machines is in operation.
Thanks to this technology, and as a demonstration of it, FAER today produces and exports around 3,600 machines a year worldwide with a staff of just 24.
After just two years, production of the PM 350 (4-person machine) and PM 450 (6-person machine) models takes off and accelerates rapidly; already in 1964 production reaches 500 units per year.
In those years he was joined by his sons Bruno and Elio, current managers of the factory.
Gastone Sforazzini himself in 1972 designs and manufactures the first winch of the “PF” series; the machines of this series, continuously updated, have achieved such great reliability that they can be sold all over the world with a 3-year warranty.
Customer Services
From Sales to Service
Our company offers various services related to the machines produced according to the needs of our Customers, from accessories aimed at the implementation of recent machines to spare parts for the replacement of components of any year, without neglecting after-sales service…
(+39) 06 50 853 69
Via di Valleranello, 155 - 00128 Rome
Write to us
If you have any needs, you can send us an e-mail by filling out the form on the contact page.
FAER Srl - Via di Valleranello, 155 - 00128 Roma tel. (39) 065085369 (2 lines) - fax (39) 065071062 - E-Mail faer@iol.it
Export RM 11663 - CCIAA 341596 - Trib. RM 2190/71 - Cap. Soc. 20.658,28 € - P.I. 00892911009