
Do you want more information on products or services? Do you want to speak with one of our specialists? Contact us you can call us at the number shown here or send us an email by filling out the form. If you need technical assistance you can use the appropriate form.

Were We Are

Via di Valleranello,
155 – 00128 Roma

tel. (39) 065085369 (2 linee)

Call Us

tel. (39) 065085369 (2 lines)
fax (39) 065071062


(+39) 06 50 853 69

Via di Valleranello, 155 - 00128 Roma

Write to Us

For any need, you can send us an e-mail by filling in the appropriate form on the contact page.

FAER Srl - Via di Valleranello, 155 - 00128 Rome tel. (39) 065085369 (2 lines) - fax (39) 065071062 - E-Mail
Export RM 11663 - CCIAA 341596 - Trib. RM 2190/71 - Cap. Soc. 20,658.28 € - P.I. 00892911009

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